We guarantee a high level of quality at our conference centres
At Danish Conference Venues our customers rate the quality of the conference centres after each visit. The ratings are updated every month, which means that you can always rely on the quality symbols you find attached to the various conference centres. As part of our service we guide and inspire our customers to find the most suitable place based on their requests which we can do because of our in-depth knowledge about our conference venues.
On the list of our conference centres you will find two quality symbols:

“Recommend by the customers” is given to those conference centres that have been recommended by a large number of customers.
”Quality Approved” is your guarantee that the conference centre lives up to what is being communicated on the website in terms of service and quality. This has been rated by a high number of customers.
As a customer you therefore have the opportunity to express your opinion and rate the conference centres. After your visit you will receive an e-mail with a questionnaire so you can share your views of your experience. This will help our customers to be able find the conference centres with the highest quality, completely based on other customer’s experiences, which we believe is the most reliable quality assurance.
You will find the entire list of our conference and meeting centres here
See our list of conference centers in Copenhagen here
If you have any questions regarding our conference and meeting venues you can contact us by e-mail: dkbs@dkbs.dk or give us a call: +45 45 82 09 99.